Reventon by Lamborghini
Reventon Automobile or Work of Art? The question is simple or is it, lets look a little further into it. As with all works of art there are the limitations. The difference in a masterpiece to me is simply how well an artist works within his guidelines. The Bullfighter has a Ring as confinement. Within these walls of limitation he must defeat his foe, Reventon. Within these limitations he has everything an artist needs in which to create Technology, Style, Handling and most important Power. In a quest for victory he applies these tools in cohesion to one another, perfectly timed to be utilized when most effective. Yet the artist does not always submerge victorious, there are no guarantees. Sometimes the art itself overcomes the artist! Is this what happened back in 1943 when Reventon, not Felix Guzman stood victorious?
Do we remember the art? The natural beauty of the beast itself. The splendor of his movements versus the Matador. We must 64 years later the victor has been resurrected, Reventon. As it sits perfectly still it seems to be in motion. As with all art, the inanimate seems to come to life. An automotive masterpiece. The perfect balance of Technology, Style, Handling and Power finally achieved.
As with all art, imitation sincerely is the purest form of flattery. Lamborghini set out to make an automobile that would defeat the “Laws of Motion” just as it's namesake had also defeated the laws of bullfighting” some 64 years ago! The Technology of the Reventon like all works of art is well ahead of it's time. The Styling is what makes the Reventon one of the few automobiles that can always get whatever is being asked in return for such a work. This is defined as priceless. Reventon is Spanish also means “Explosion” which would be the only way to accurately describe the handling of such a machine, a controlled explosion. Very few men will ever have this type of automotive power at their disposal, very few. The ability to outrun every single thing on earth.
This is in fact as proven both a Automobile as well as a Work of Art. A man made object that can truly be considered priceless.
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